Rating of App in iTunes: 4.5 stars
User friendliness: 30 Hands is a very user friendly app, especially for use with elementary children. There are some step-by-step tutorials on YouTube should you have questions that are not answered on the app itself.
Critical Thinking/Differentiation: This app allows for a lot of open-ended projects and presentations to be created and published by students.
Motivation: I think that kids will be highly motivated using this app, as it is an avenue for producing and presenting their work virtually to others.
Assessment/Reporting: This is a perfect assessment tool when using for student portfolios. The students will be able to choose the products that they want to share as evidence of mastery.
Does the app need an account? An account is recommended for this site (a basic one is free).
How this app could be used in your classroom: I am going to use the app as a supplement (alongside Google) for student portfolios. The students will be able to easily take a picture within the app and create a recoding to go along with each slide. This would be perfect for kids reading their page in a class book, explaining independent projects, etc. When it is all placed together, it is seamless.
This is a very nice and thoughtful review that explains the app well. Great job!