Recommended age range: all ages
Rating of App in iTunes: 3.5
My rating of this App: 4 (would have given it a 5 if I was able to add comments to learner created presentations)
User Friendliness (Can the learner launch and navigate the app independently?): Very simple to use. Not a lot of complicated toolbars to navigate. Only drawback is once a presentation has been recorded, the creator can go back to edited presentation without starting over.
Critical Thinking: (does it allow for critical thinking?-applying, analyzing, evaluating, creating): yes. Learner could demonstrate mastery of concepts/topics by creating presentation.
Differentiation (Is flexibility available to meet learner's needs?): Learner can view presentation as many times as needed. Can pause, stop and rewind presentation. Can also search and view other show mes that have already been posted to site if he/she needs another presentation style.
Motivation (Will learner's be motivated and engaged while using this app?): Easy to use. Learner's will be more engaged it's your voice & it's happening step-by-step.
Assessment/Reporting (Does the app provide a product or outcome that can be assessed?): No-teacher cannot add comments directly to presentation once it has been created. Would need to do it separately by using different method.
Account (Does the app need an account): Yes-but it's free.
How could you use this app in your classroom?: I like the way you can create a step-by-step how to presentation to explain difficult concepts like balancing equations and how to set up stoichiometry problems. The presentation can be as long or short as you need. There's no time limit like on the free version of screen-cast-o-magic.
Reflect on one experience you could redesign or enhance using this app. I could use ShowMe to demonstrate how to measure with lab equipment using proper techniques since I can insert pictures into presentation from my library or take pictures while I'm creating presentation. The learners would always have access to the video if I upload to my website or to YouTube.
Did you find another helpful video or resource to help explain this app? On YouTube there's another short video called ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard by iPadagogy.
This sounds similar to Educreations and has the same application possibilities. Thanks for the useful info.