Recommended Age Range: 2nd to 12
Rating of App in iTunes: 4 stars
My Rating: 5 stars
User friendliness: Can the learner launch and navigate the app independently?
Pretty easy to make a video, yet flexible. You can add pages, insert videos, and learn ears can launch and navigate easily. Also a website, so the learner can access what they created from home or a laptop.
Critical Thinking: does it allow for critical thinking?
Great way for learners to show their thinking and apply skills and concepts to real world situations.
Differentiation: Is flexibility available to meet learner's needs?
Can be utilized as a teacher or learner led lesson. A way for the teacher to gather feedback and check for understanding. The learner can navigate at their own pace.
Motivation: Will learners be motivated and engaged while using the app.
The learner can create through color, video, and pictures. It can be personalized to what the learners want to present.
Assessment/Reporting: Does the app provide a product or outcome that can be assessed?
Definitely. The learners create a video that can be shared with the teacher and others. It clearly shows mastery of the concepts.
Account: Does the App need an account?
Yes, the teacher has an account and she shares it with the learners. Each teacher can create separate class accounts that the students can access using their class code.
Educational Application:
Learners demonstrate knowledge of new concepts, review previously taught concepts, or create lessons for peers. Learners can access for daily review, absences, and teach parents and classmates.
The created videos can be used by learners, parents, and other classmates to demonstrate decoding, spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension. It can be used across all curriculum and has the flexibility to be used in all types of learning environments.
Did you find another helpful video or resource to help explain this App?
There are several YouTube videos that are very good tutorials for Educreations.
I have used this app with my class and it was a huge success. I had my students each create a video on how to set up and solve a particular math problem. It was a great way for them to walk me through their thinking process. I was then able to give specific feedback to them on where they had misconceptions or mistakes in their thinking.